Hand, Wrist, and Forearm Pain and Disorders


Hand, Wrist, and Forearm Pain and Disorders

Hand, wrist, and forearm pain can be caused by various injuries and disorders, including sprains/strains, tendinosis/tendonitis, and ganglion cysts. These conditions can result in discomfort, swelling, reduced grip strength, and limited range of motion.

Sprains and strains are common injuries that can affect the hand, wrist, and forearm. A sprain occurs when the ligaments, which connect bones to each other, are stretched or torn. Strains, on the other hand, involve the stretching or tearing of muscles or tendons, which attach muscles to bones. These injuries can occur due to sudden trauma, repetitive motions, or overuse. Symptoms may include pain, swelling, bruising, and difficulty moving the affected area.

Tendinosis, also known as tendinopathy, and tendonitis refer to conditions involving the inflammation or degeneration of tendons. Tendons are fibrous tissues that connect muscles to bones. Tendinosis is a chronic condition characterized by degeneration and weakening of tendons due to repetitive stress or aging. Tendonitis, on the other hand, is an acute condition involving inflammation of the tendons. Both conditions can cause pain, stiffness, and difficulty with movement.

Ganglion cysts are noncancerous, fluid-filled lumps that commonly occur on the wrist or hand. These cysts usually develop near a joint or tendon and can vary in size. Ganglion cysts are often painless, but they can cause discomfort or limit movement if they press on nearby structures.

Proper diagnosis and treatment of hand, wrist, and forearm pain and disorders require consultation with a healthcare professional. Dr. Jack and his team will conduct a physical examination, order imaging tests if necessary, and provide appropriate recommendations based on the specific condition and its severity. Seeking medical advice is essential for an accurate diagnosis and tailored management plan to alleviate pain, restore function, and prevent further complications.